TSB – 11 Steam and Water Tap Disassembly
Ver 1.0
2024 12 18
Replacement of steam and water tap seals
Tools and parts required:
- 17mm, 22mm, 23mm, 26mm wrenches
- 2 x 8″ or 10″ adjustable wrenches
- Thin but dull blade (putty knife or similar)
- Flat blade micro screwdriver
- Electrical tape
- Dow Molykote 111 food-safe silicone grease for re-installation
- Recommended but optional:
- Bench vise
- Needle nose pliers
- Masking tape
Step 1 – preparations
Turn off the machine and let it cool.
Turn off the water supply to the machine.

Add at least one layer of electrical tape to the jaws of an adjustable wrench
You may wish to protect the Back Splash with masking tape.

1 – Valve Stem Housing 26mm
2 – Tap Receiver 17mm
3 – Valve Body 23mm
4 – Upper Nut 22mm
5 – Lower Nut 26mm
Step 3 – Remove steam wand / hot water assembly

- Using one to counter-tighten against the side of the valve body and tap handle, loosen the Upper Nut. Note that in order to undo the thread, the right hand is rotating the nut towards the left hand. Be careful not to damage the Back Splash with the tool.

- Unscrew the entire assembly by quarter turns, rotating the steam wand in the opposite direction.

Step 5 – Remove the tap handle

- Use a thin, but dull blade to remove the Tap Cap.

- Remove the R-Clip with needle nose pliers and remove the washer behind it.

- Unscrew and remove the Tap Handle
Step 6

- Use the adjustable wrench on the T section of the Valve Body and the 17mm on the Tap Receiver to remove the Valve Body. adjustable wrench will be rotating anti-clockwise. Note the relative positions of the wrenches to allow effective counter-tightening. Take care not to rotate the Tap Receiver.
Step 7

- Hold the hex section of the Valve Stem Housing in a vise or use 26mm and 23mm wrenches to break the threaded joint. This step requires considerable torque to break the thread sealant. It is NOT recommended to use adjustable wrenches for this step.
Step 8 – Seals Replacement

- Please refer to diagram for the appropriate seals.
- Coat all seals with a thin layer of Dow MolyKote 111 grease prior to installation.
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